Walking the Green Path: Claiming Our Green Space
Growing up I lived among gardens, something I didn’t appreciate until it was gone. Now I’m trying to learn how to grow these green spaces in the neighborhood.
Walking the Green Path: Greener Paths at the Crossways
Finding ingredients that have the least impact on our environment can be difficult. It takes the time, energy, and desire to find the information needed to make the right choice.
Walking the Green Path: A Tunnel Along the Path
Running a restaurant at the forefront of a fair wage campaign can feel like traveling through a long dark tunnel.
Walking the Green Path: Theory and Practice
When we stopped taking tips at Butter we needed to have some time to settle into this new reality and see how good our theories were about what would happen.
Walking the Green Path: Jumping off the Cliff
For Dan, moving his cafe from accepting tips to not accepting tips can feel like jumping off a cliff.
Walking the Green Path: An Abundance of Raspberries
As a café owner, most of my time is spent being concerned about scarcity; but at times I can see that what we do have to share happens by tending to the things that matter.
Walking the Green Path: Supporting the Butterfly and the Bee
A challenge for restaurants and cafes trying to practice sustainability is figuring out their role in making sure there is a sustainable food system and a sustainable eco system to support their work.
Walking the Green Path: A Story Told by Plants
By reconnecting to the land and its stories we become more aware of what it provides for us and by appreciating native foods we honor those who lived here before us.
Walking the Green Path: A Little Water Goes a Long Way
Living in an urban area, we may not always realize how much groundwater we lose to runoff. Since restaurants are big water users it’s important to see what we can do at Butter to help keep our water clean.